Randomly surveyed visitors show preference for weekend events that are 2 or 3 days in length.

1 month ago  ·  306  · carl's avatar


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Survey Steve (or is it Pollster Pete?) looks over some data. (Image Creator in Bing)

During Sick Week 2025 we ran an impromptu survey on our website that sampled random visitors. In total, 500 were given the opportunity to participate and 141 accepted. While a very small sample size, we still found the results interesting, especially during a national-level, week-long event and are thus have decided to share some of the data with the public. There were a total of 10 questions, two of which are shown below.

  • “If you were to sign up for an event, what would be the ideal number of days?”

    Preferred number of days chart

    Days Pct
    1 13%
    2 27%
    3 37%
    4 15%
    5 6%
    6+ 2%
  • “Is a weekend format (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday) your preference?”

    Weekend preference chart

    Answer Pct
    Yes 81%
    No 15%
    No preference 4%

We shall continue to do these during the season.


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