One Guy's Garage Drag Weekend 2023

September 22–24, 2023

Drag Weekend is a three-day event where you drive your street car (race vehicle) to a different drag strip each day, race at each track and the racer who collects the best average ET and survives the road wins for all classes except the Street Eliminator Bracket Class. The Street Eliminator Bracket Class will use their best slips from the first two days to average their time as a dial in for a bracket race to decide on the winner on Sunday.

StartsFriday, September 22, 2023
Cordova, Illinois
EndsSunday, September 24, 2023
Earlville, Iowa
Region   US Central
Max entriesunknown
Registration$100 - $200  register  
Classes unknown
Rules unknown
Est. distanceunknown
Social hashtags#DragAndDrive #OneGuysGarageDragWeekend 
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The event has finished. Visit the Results tab to see the final standings.

Official description, image, and route directions used when provided by event organizers. Distance is estimated. There is an additional track entry fee for each facility unless otherwise noted.