BC DragiT Challenge 2023 logo

BC DragiT Challenge 2023

15–19 June 2023

The first 5 day - 4 Track, Drag race 'n Drive ultimate endurance test for the racecar and driver in BC.The Challenge will take the racers over 1000kms thru scenic Central BC driving their racecar to each track with no support vehicles. The racers will race for their best package or best average ET. After the days racing the racers will move on to the next designated track to race the next day.

StartsThursday, 15 June 2023
Cache Creek, British Columbia
EndsMonday, 19 June 2023
Cache Creek, British Columbia
Region   CA West
Max entriesunknown
Registrationcost unknown 
Classes unknown
Rules unknown
Est. distance1032 km (641 miles)
Social hashtags#DragAndDrive #BCDragiTChallenge 
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The event has finished. Visit the Results tab to see the final standings.

Official description, image, and route directions used when provided by event organizers. Distance is estimated. There is an additional track entry fee for each facility unless otherwise noted.